Saturday, October 2, 2010

The weekend in pictures

Can't sleep... make a picture.

I attended an event on Friday night inviting citizens to voice their concerns and opinions about the future of Austin. There was a guy from LA, NYC, or maybe both (above) who was really excited about it. He made a speech, wore a faux turbin and then wrote some stuff on the chalk board while Austin concert band Mother Falcon played. I'm skeptical of the city's purpose in organizing an event where they put up art, serve free food and beer simultaneously asking citizens to take part in a survey about traffic, development and budgets of the future. The exhibit is open all week in the heart of the lovely 2nd st. district.

Drew and I rode our bikes there.

Ian had an interesting comment about Austin style, something like; people take it to the max until its no longer hip and then you're wearing what you are told to think is cool whether or not it looks good on you. I guess this comes with the territory of a 'pretentious is cool' 20-something slacker crowd in a bubble of complainer culture among a for the most part content public.

Maria on Saturday morning.

My neighbors riding bikes down Kinney.

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